Jim Reynolds Asphalt Contracting experienced 100% Contractor Retention

Boosting Efficiency, Enhancing Communication, and Securing 100% Contractor Retention with Nektyd

How Nektyd Created a Path to Success for Jim Reynolds Asphalt Contracting

Company Overview

Jim Reynolds Asphalt Contractor, Inc. is a third-generation minority and woman-owned residential & commercial asphalt/concrete maintenance company. Based in Louisville, KY, they bring innovation and professionalism to the asphalt industry.

After implementing Nektyd, Jim Reynolds Asphalt Contracting experienced three significant improvements:

  1. Increased Operational Efficiency: 30 minutes to 1 hour decrease in morning setup time
  2. Enhanced Communication: Significant decrease in customer calls regarding scheduling due to improved software communication
  3. Employee Retention: 100% contractor retention within the last two years


Jim Reynolds Asphalt Contractor aimed to streamline their operations, improve communication with customers and within the field, and enhance their asset and cost tracking. The goal was to focus on scaling the business and creating a leadership culture, rather than being bogged down with day-to-day management.


The company grappled with daily customer communication, ensuring asphalt techs had the necessary equipment, maintaining consistent field communication, and capturing consistent before and after photos.


With Nektyd, Jim Reynolds Asphalt Contractor managed to overcome these hurdles. The software improved asset, equipment, and supply tracking, enhancing cost monitoring. It also fostered a leadership culture by automating management tasks. Customer communication was significantly improved, with updates on arrival and departure times enhancing customer experience.

relax while you manage


Nektyd significantly improved operations and efficiency at Jim Reynolds Asphalt Contractor. They retained 100% of their contractors within the last two years, reduced morning setup time, and experienced a drop in customer calls regarding scheduling. Specific metrics highlighted include better inventory tracking, a 95%-99% improvement in fleet setup, and end of day checklist completion, and increased on-the-job productivity with a decrease in travel time.


With Nektyd, Jim Reynolds Asphalt Contractor, Inc. has not only revolutionized its business operations but also created a transformative impact on its workforce management and customer communication. The implementation of Nektyd has led to impressive metrics: a significant decrease in setup time, improved customer communication, and an unbeatable 100% contractor retention rate.

The case of Jim Reynolds Asphalt Contractor highlights the transformative power of Nektyd. Their success story is a testament to the pivotal role that Nektyd plays in fostering a culture of leadership, streamlining operations, and improving overall business efficiency. Through innovative and user-friendly solutions, Nektyd continues to empower businesses, helping them transition from merely managing to truly leading in their respective industries.

In a rapidly evolving industry, Jim Reynolds Asphalt Contractor has proven that with the right tools, companies can overcome operational challenges, improve efficiency, and pave their way to continued growth and success.

Empower Your Business With Nektyd

Streamline Every Step of Your Service Management

Our business is so much more efficient since using Nektyd. It has completely streamlined much of our business processes and provided us capabilities we didn’t even think possible at a very reasonable price. The photo option was a necessity we knew we needed but didn’t know a good way until Nektyd. The geotracking is an awesome feature. We like the ease of setting up routes, adjusting routes and seeing all the action in real-time. Not only is the software amazing, so is the service, communication, and energy.
Jonathan Campbell
President of JMC Enterprises

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Tim Boeving
Read More
Nektyd has been a great addition for our company. No more lost paperwork or hours of invoicing after the jobs are done. Nektyd has helped streamline our business so that we can get more work done while also documenting all of the important aspects of our business. Should have done this years ago!
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5-star Google rating.

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